Past events, videos and architectural works.
Benjamin Marshall Trailer
This is the first-ever short film on the works and legacy of Benjamin Marshall, one of the greatest Chicago architects. Marshall designed some of the most iconic buildings in the city such as the Drake Hotel, the Edgewater Beach Hotel, East Lake Shore Drive, and the Blackstone Hotel.
Marshall in the Morning
Marshall is back in the news again! Benjamin Marshall Society President Jane Lepauw joined the WGN9 team to showcase some of Marshalls most iconic works in Chicago including the Drake Hotel, Edgewater Beach Apartments, South Shore Cultural Center, E. Lake Shore Drive and more. This year is the 150th anniversary of Benjamin Marshall's birth and it is great to see Marshall back in the spot light.

1550 N State Pkwy.

Marshall Film Premiere Review
Chaz Ebert’s reaction to the Benjamin Marshall film premiere.
Marshall Film Premiere Review
After premiering the first ever film on famed Chicago based architect, Benjamin H. Marshall, the reviews where great!
Summer Soiree 2019 - 999 N. Lake Shore Drive

90th Anniversary of Edgewater Beach & Benny Marshall's 144th Birthday
On May 4th, the Benjamin Marshall Society in partnership with the Edgewater Beach Apartments, designed by Benjamin Marshall in 1928 celebrated the EBA's 90th anniversary as well as Benny Marshall's birthday which falls on May 5th. The evening was a spectacular success as we celebrated in style, Cinco de Mayo à la Ben Marshall. Special thanks to all our wonderful guests, the spectacular Lisa Zane and her fabulous orchestra.
(Photo Credits: Paul Crisanti & Robert Kameczura)

A Royal Toast! 999 N. Lake Shore Drive
On the birthday of Charles, Prince of Wales, the Benjamin Marshall Society celebrated the architect's history with Edward, Prince of Whales, future king of England, who visited Benjamin Marshall in his home/studio in Wilmette, IL

SYMPOSIUM - Mansions in the Sky: Chicago Apartments
In partnership with the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial, the Benjamin Marshall Society presented these luminaries on the topic at the Chicago Cultural Center. Robert Bruegmann, Stuart Cohen, Carroll William Westfall, Neil Harris, Lucien Lagrange.